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  • Geosteering

  • Operations

  • Development

  • Technical Analysis


What can Compass Geologic do for you?




24/7 Remote Geosteering services consisting of a two man rotation on 12 hour shifts.  Using a provided license of the software of your choice or the industry standard StarSteer, Compass will ensure your wells land and remain in your desired target interval with maximum precision and attention to detail while communicating with the necessary members of your team as needed.  Compass will tailor reports to each client to ensure the desired information is reaching the appropriate people at all times.

Operations Consulting



Compass will utilize the available geologic and drilling information to prepare geologic prognosis necessary to permit and drill wells in the formation of your choosing. We can provide 24/7 consulting services to ensure your existing geosteering methods are completed as desired with the highest possible level of precision in any structural environment.  Compass can also provide on-site geologic consulting with respect to core and logging jobs or other ops related activity.

Development Consulting



Need help planning and laying out your horizontal wells or revising existing layouts for changes in spacing or to account for negative structural impacts as a result of fracturing or faulting?  Compass can assist you by using available data (existing drilled wells, seismic, etc) to ensure the most optimal layout from a geologic perspective.

Technical Analysis



Compass has the ability to organize, analyze and interpret data to assist with geologic analysis of your reservoir.  Using techniques applied over the course of our careers, we can assist with open hole log interpretation, geologic mapping, XRF, tracer data, etc.  Compass also has the ability to work jointly with industry leaders Randy Blood (DRB Geological Consulting) and Scott McCallum (McCallum Petrophysics and Data Analytics) for full-scale, start to finish, geologic work of the highest level.

© 2020 by Compass Geologic LLC.

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